Updated 24 May 2021
Results - 'Best of the Best' of 2021
Judge - Glyn Edmunds ARPS, APSA, EPSA, EFIAP/g
Best of the Best from the 4 'Themed' Competitions (14 May 2021)
'Best of the Best' (Themed)
'Three Ladies with Three Hats'
by Barry Hill
'Three Ladies with Three Hats'
by Barry Hill
'Family' by (Placed Second) |
'Chilly Sea Pool Swim' by Jane Wiltshire (Placed Third) |
'Autumn on Dartmoor' by Andrew DeMora (Highly Commended) |
'Autumn Reflections' by Andrew DeMora (Highly Commended) |
'Behind The Condensation' by Jane Wiltshire (Highly Commended) |
Early Morning Formation Flying (a single image) by Alan Denison (Highly Commended) |
'Seeing Through The Wet Haze' by Ash Milburn (Highly Commended) |
Study of Runnunculas by Jane Wiltshire (Highly Commended) |
Three Wild Snakes Head Fratilleries by Mary Maynard (Highly Commended) |
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Best of the Best from the 4 'Open' Competitions (21 May 2021)
'Best of the Best' (Open)
The End Is Nigh
by David Chedgy
The End Is Nigh
by David Chedgy
Angled Poise by Alan Denison (Placed Second) |
Soft, Pretty and Pink by Mary Maynard (Placed Third) |
Blossom And Bird by Jane Wiltshire (Highly Commended) |
Damselflies Mating by John Bishop (Highly Commended) |
Far Out To Sea by Harvard Dallibar (Highly Commended) |
Greater Spotted Woodpecker by Jane Wiltshire (Highly Commended) |
Nancy by David Chedgy (Highly Commended) |
Nothing In It by Tim Wells (Highly Commended) |
Preparing Lunch by Anjealika Baier (Highly Commended) |
The Welcome Committee by Steve Climpson (Highly Commended) |