This week’s meeting
Penny Piddock, DPAGB, AFIAP, will judge our triptych print competition. This is the final competition of the season, so watch the website afterwards for the P and C league results! Best of the Best, Print and Digital Next week’s meeting (the Tri-battle with Norton Radstock and Frome Selwood) is the hand-in date for eligible entries for the new David Chedgy Best of the Best Digital Cup. Prints eligible for the Patrick Emery Best of the Best Print Cup will the judged cold on the night of the competition (17th May). The judge will be Leo Rich, DPAGB, APAGB, EFIAP/g, ARPS. Photographs which were placed in the top 4 in this year’s internal competitions are eligible. You may enter those from the 4 dpi competitions for the David Chedgy Cup, those from the 4 print competitions for the Patrick Emery Cup (i.e. no crossover from digital to print or vice versa). Premier and Club Classes compete together, so potentially we can have 36 entries for each Cup. Take your chance! Next Year’s Committee The nomination sheet will be up at the meeting this week, and for following weeks until 10th May. Please give this some thought: the Club at present is thriving, but continued success depends on a strong committee. Check the website for officer “job descriptions”, and ask yourself whether you might enjoy joining the team. Lacock Positive Camera Club Annual Exhibition This will be held over the May Bank Holiday, Sunday 5th and Monday 6th May. At Lacock Village Hall, 10 am – 5 pm. Free entry, and refreshments will be available. As well as nearly 100 prints, the Club will be show-casing photographs which have achieved National and Regional awards. Images from Phil Selby and Sue Power will be on show, as will those of Philip Male, including his September entry in the 2019 BBC Countryfile Calendar. See you on Friday.
This Week's Meeting
Judging by her website ( we are in for a sparkling evening when impressive local photographer Victoria Hillman talks to us about Macro Photography. Now's the day, and now's the hour The hand-in date for our final internal competition is next week, 12th April, when we shall enjoy the Bristol Salon show. The subject, a Story Triptych, will be judged on 26th April by Penny Piddock from Dorchester. NB: for this competition, you need to mount or combine 3 images in a single A3 presentation, in the usual sized mount. See for details. You can enter 2 compositions as usual. See the front o' battle lour 12th April is also the hand-in date for submission for the testing Tri-battle on 3rd May. As a final reminder of the 15 set subjects, please consult Please be proactive in this and help David put a really strong set of entries together. See approach.... Our new battle with Devizes will take place on Tuesday 16th April at the Devizes Sports Club, London Road, Devizes, Wiltshire SN10 2DL Doors will open at 7, and the meeting starts at 7.45. Please come if you can, to swell the ranks and see how your images fare. Let us do.... Diary Dates: * Camera Fair, Sunday 14th April. Help needed, and bargains to be had. * 24th April, Colin Varndell is speaking at Bridport Camera Club. See for details. Tickets (£6) are available from [email protected]. and from the Club Secretary on 07737405474. * Andrew de Mora is organising a trip to Lundy Island on 23rd May. Please contact Andrew if you are interested. This Week's Meeting
Our themed digital competition, Street Photography, will be judged by David Sage, ARPS. Battle Honours The first half of our Warminster battle last week (prints) was close-run, but we pulled well ahead in the digital section. Judge Barry Senior was an excellent speaker, and gave useful advice too. FWCC notched up many high scores, but special congratulations must go to those whose photographs scored 20/20: Alan Denison, Sheri o'Reilly, Simon Johnson, Andrew Washington and Harvard Dallibar. Print Boxes - group order Tony Morgan-Nash is organising a group purchase of Nomad heavy-duty print boxes. These are the boxes the Club uses for competitions. Please see the attached file for details. Diary dates Hand-in for consideration for the Tri-battle with Frome Selwood and Norton Radstock CCs, fo both print and dpi, is Friday 12th April. Please NB: this is a change to the advertised dates. For the testing Tri-battle topics, visit FWCC Camera Fair at the Cheese and Grain, Sunday 14th April. |