This week: our Christmas mealJust a reminder to those who have booked that you do need to bring your own drinks. Everything else will be provided, either by Eynon Catering, or by your committee, who have organised a free raffle and quizzes to entertain and tease.
January 4th meeting Our next meeting will be on 4th January, and we shall be in the Clifford Suite (the small hall round at the back of Beckington Memorial Hall). In case you may feel like staying at home on a cold January night, just a hint that you could be missing rather a treat. Our speaker on 4th is Kevin Mitchell, a Frome-based professional photographer who will be sharing his experience of taking portraits, of fashion shoots, wedding and commercial event photography and much more. Have a look at Mono Print Competition, 18.1.19: hand-in advice Adrian Herring will judge this competition on the night, but in order to help with the organisation and admin, Stan will be collecting entries at the meetings on both 4th and 11th. If you cannot hand them in on either of those dates, please be sure to bring them very early on 18th - by 7.30 at the latest. An Invitation from South Petherton Photographic Society Attached is the body of an e-mail telling us about a talk on 9th January by David Boag the wildlife photographer. Have a very happyChristmas, and look out for the next newsletter on 2nd January.